Day: May 23, 2018

Saudi Aramco steps up to deliver landmark global fire operations conference

The Saudi Aramco Fire Protection Department (FrPD) recently collaborated with the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) to deliver the First International Fire Operations Conference. Held at a Manama-area hotel under the patronage of Lt. General Sheikh Rashed Bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, Minister of Interior for the Kingdom of Bahrain, the historic forum created a

Saudi Aramco Awards Contract of Haradh Increment Program

Saudi Aramco today awarded a contract for a permanent communications system serving its Haradh Increment to Networks & System Integration S.A. Co. Ltd. (NESIC Saudi Arabia) as part of Aramco’s Gas Compression Program in Haradh and Hawiyah. During a ceremony in Dhahran, Fahad Al-Helal, Saudi Aramco vice president of Project Management, signed the contract which

Emirates Airline Festival Of Literature Student Writing Competitions Launch For 2019

Calling all young aspiring writers! Entries are now open for The Emirates Airline Festival of Literature’s creative writing competitions for students across the UAE. The Taaleem Award for poetry and the Oxford University Press story-writing competitions have become fixtures in the academic calendar, with the number of entries growing every year. “The student writing competitions

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