Month: January 2019

Brazil Imports Goods Worth USD 7.6 Billion From Arab World In 2018

The Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) revealed that Brazil imported goods worth USD 7.6 billion from the Arab World in 2018, recording a Year-on-Year growth of 18 per cent in imports from USD 6.4 billion in 2017. This amounts to 17.6 billion kg of goods in terms of volume. Exports to Brazil from the UAE

French Culinary Innovations Take Center Stage Once Again At Gulfood 2019

Business France, the national agency supporting the international development of the French economy, will be exhibiting across 4 French pavilions at Gulfood 2019. The region’s renowned F&B trade show will showcase products of over 70 French brands and companies. This year, many of them that introduced their products in the year’s past are returning, whilst

Gold Demand On The Rise For GCC Search Trends

Demand for higher karat gold has taken an upward turn across the GCC during the past nine months, according to website search trend data from SEMrush, the leading award winning online digital marketing suite. Trends for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait show a sharp increase in searches for 24-karat since

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