Month: March 2020

Remote Working Could Reduce Costs For Businesses In The Aftermath Of Covid-19

Management consultancy Oliver Wyman expects the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to have a lasting effect on the future of work, as remote working and virtual collaboration will increase in Dubai and the Gulf countries, following the crisis. According to Jeff Youssef, Partner – Public Sector at Oliver Wyman, remote working could be adopted more widely in

How To Ensure Your Business Survives A Pandemic

According to a new study by Marsh, the world’s leading insurance broker and risk adviser, in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, operational readiness has emerged as the immediate priority for all businesses, whether small, medium, or large. To effectively respond to these threats, businesses are increasingly taking a two-pronged approach, starting with establishing preparedness

Watch Your Favorite Arabic Premium Series On OSN This April

Get ready for the year’s best line-up of Arabic premium content on OSN, the region’s leading entertainment network, which aims to keep you entertained while you’re at home this April. From continuing Pan Arabic series, to cutting edge Turkish dramas and must-watch Egyptian comedies, tune in to OSN Ya Hala Al Oula and OSN Yahala

Working from home no obstacle to excellence for company employees

In this unprecedented time of COVID-19, we are focusing our efforts to keep people safe and well – at work, at home, and in our communities. For many colleagues, reporting to their usual place of work remains essential; our health care colleagues at Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare, who are on the front line of COVID-19,

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