Month: May 2021

Meditate With Kim Shelar

Close your eyes. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat 10 times. Slowly open your eyes. Feeling better already? Think about it. In your life what stays with you from the beginning to the end – is your breath. Enter Kim Shelar. Kim can teach you amongst many things, how to utilize meditation to bring out the Best with you.

Meet The Art Aficionado – Natalya Andakulova

Born in Samarkand, Uzbekistan,  Natalya studied mathematics and physics (Bachelors degree) in Navoi Institute then received her Master’s in the same institute. When it came to deciding on her work life she realized she was not cut out for the traditional corporate world. Art was her passion. And so she changed course and studied art at

Meet Elli Kasbi

Last week I caught up with Elli on Zoom. Here is her story. Elli is of Iranian origin, grew up in Sweden, and moved to Dubai in 2014. After a couple of years stint in the corporate world, she chose to become an entrepreneur. Dubai truly provides the right ecosystem for people who have entrepreneurial ambitions! Elli

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