Day: August 24, 2022

Seara brings the joy of cooking to Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: Seara, a food brand that is completely committed to high quality products, is bringing the joy of cooking to homes and kitchens across Saudi Arabia with the launch of its high-quality range of frozen foods. The brand with presence in over 150 countries is part of JBS the global leader in protein-based food

Reasons To Travel To Israel –ISRAEL IS-REALLY FUN!

Israel is a country of contrasts, bridging the ancient and historical with an intricate blend of modern and contemporary architecture. In this small country lies a rich landscape encompassing nine climate zones, which all together set the ground for vivid surroundings, representing a perfect holiday destination. Amazing Tel Aviv Beaches The Tel Aviv beach stretches for ages along the whole western edge of the city, moving from historic Yaffo to the northern port near Park Hayarkon. Stretching over 14 kilometers along the Mediterranean, this sparkling coastline has a little bit of everything, and activities for each season. Whether you’re looking to

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