The engines of 47 aircraft from the company’s fleet cover:

flynas, the national airline of Saudi Arabia and the leading low-cost airline in the Middle East, has signed an agreement with Honeywell to supply and maintain maintenance services for auxiliary power units.
Under the agreement, Honeywell will provide maintenance services for the auxiliary power units of the GTCP-131-9A engines used in 40 A320-NEO aircraft and seven A320-CEO aircraft, and the new supply agreement supports flynas’ commitment to provide its guests with reliable, efficient and convenient services in a timely manner. flynas’ keenness to provide maintenance services for engine auxiliary power units comes in line with the requirements of the company’s strategic plan, which includes expanding its fleet of aircraft to enhance its role in achieving the Kingdom’s civil aviation strategy, and the steady increase in flynas international destinations, which enhances the connection of the world with the Kingdom as a global destination.
flynas ranks as one of the top 10 low-cost airlines in the world, a position it has achieved through operational efficiency and outstanding service to its guests., flynas connects more than 70 domestic and international destinations through its fleet, and since its inception in 2007 to date, it has transported more than 55 million passengers.