Accenture Launches Connected Digital Hackathon with Expo 2020 Dubai to Develop Digital Solutions that Improve Urban Living

Accenture (NYSE: ACN), in collaboration with Expo 2020 Dubai, is challenging participants from 11 cities around the world to develop prototypes of human-centered digital solutions that help improve the quality of urban living through its first global digital hackathon.

The 24-hour hackathon will take place simultaneously in Chicago, Bangalore, Dubai, Istanbul, London, Manila, Mexico City, Monterrey, Rome, Shanghai and Singapore on November 11 and 12, 2017.1 In Dubai, the event will be supported by Etisalat Digital, Google, GE Digital and the American University of Sharjah. Registrations are open to recent graduates, undergraduates, entrepreneurs and individuals from start-ups with expertise in technology development, design and marketing, at by November 6.

The Accenture Digital Hackathon is a 24-hour event in 11 cities across four continents where talented individuals will prototype digital solutions that help create a truly human city environment

Inspired by Expo 2020 Dubai’s theme of “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future,” participants will compete on finding digital solutions that organizations can use to address urbanization challenges. Over half of the world’s population currently lives in cities and urban areas.2 This trend, which is expected to continue, is raising challenges such as creating truly inclusive environments, improving work and travel conditions in cities areas, and adopting a more sustainable approach to urbanization.

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