Artificial Intelligence To Help Uplift Teaching Profession

Artificial intelligence could be the breakthrough that teachers have been waiting for.

At the recently concluded GESS Dubai, experts showed a glimpse of the future for the teaching profession with the help of AI, and how it can contribute significantly to school improvement.

Century Tech founder and CEO Priya Lakhani presented an AI platform for school improvement that presents real-time data on a student, entire class even a whole school to support timely and evidence-based interventions; as well as multimedia content that can be used in and out of the classroom with features that can also help automate certain tasks such as assessments and tracking of homework. “With teachers spending up to 60% of their time on administrative tasks and data management they need a solution which saves them time to do what they love: teach!” commented Lakhani, who also says the AI platform can also be used to improve outcome for learners as well as involve parents and guardians.

Meanwhile, Sallyann dela Casa, Lead Skills Hacker at GLEAC and head of Growing Leaders Foundation, says AI can be harnessed to develop outstanding schools. “We’ve developed a proprietary app called GLEAC to find out patterns of successful teachers and teams within schools through psychometric testing and patent-pending soft skills measurement.  Using this information, schools can start engineering human capital, their teachers for instance, to build capacity and become outstanding educational institutions.”

GESS Dubai will return for its 12th edition at the Sheikh Saeed Halls of the Dubai World Trade Center on 26-28 February 2019.

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