Celebrate The Spirit Of Motherhood, a Bond Of Love And Affection This Mother’s Day!

Mother’s day is a day to celebrate the bond of love and affection that a mother shares with her children. To rejoice the spirit of motherhood, Dubai Gold and Jewellery Group (DGJG) introduced a creative campaign to honor the mothers all across Dubai. The campaign will go live from 14 March – until Mother’s Day on all media platforms.

In its first, DGJG is going beyond the usual promotional activities this year and introducing a campaign that strikes the chord with the audience all across Dubai to leave a positive impact on the UAE society as a whole.

“The Dubai Gold and Jewellery Group, during this Mother’s Day, launched a campaign for the City of Gold to share their feelings of gratitude to their mothers,” said Tawhid Abdullah, Chairman, Dubai Gold and Jewellery Group (DGJG). “Through our adoption of this campaign, we will cooperate with several government departments and the gold and jewellery industry of Dubai to spread a thank-you note to all mothers.”

The real essence of celebrating Mother’s Day is all about gratefulness, a simple note of thanks for their ardent love and affection is quite appreciable. Compliment mothers for their selfless efforts towards family, communities, and society.

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