Data Interpretation Will Drive The Future Of Healthcare Industry, Says Expert Panel At The World Government Summit

 “The interpretation of enormous data being collected using the latest technological advancements, cost of delivery of healthcare and access to healthcare will drive the future of healthcare across the world,” according to the panel of experts at the World Government Summit 2018 in Dubai.

The panelists included Dr. Shamsheer Vayalil, Founder, Chairman & Managing Director of VPS Healthcare; Ms. Anuradha Acharya, Chief Executive Office, Ocimum Biosolutions, Inc; and Mr. Soumitra Dutta, Professor of Operations, Technology and Information Management at Cornell University SC Johnson College of Business. Ms. Madeline Bell, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, moderated the session.

Speaking about the importance of innovation in healthcare, Dr. Shamsheer said, “The healthcare sector is at a crucial juncture today, with the increasing pressure due to increasing population and the subsequently increasing operation cost. Innovation is therefore the crux on which the entire system could either evolve or collapse. Innovation is imperative as it has to address critical issues such as improving the quality of treatments, reducing cost, increasing the efficiency and providing healthcare access to the people in remote areas.”

The session also deliberated the increasing role of personalised medicine in healthcare where medical professionals are treating patients according to the appropriate treatment options that are required. Diseases today are diagnosed on the basis of a patient’s genetic build. It is vital that treatments are planned and administered accordingly. The innovations revolving around the science of genome have attained top priority. Paediatric care is one of the primary foundations of healthcare that is benefitting from the technological innovations of personalized medicine and genetic studies.

“The cost of genomic sequencing has gone down significantly over the last few years and it will not be long before you can get a full genome sequencing for $100,” said Anuradha Acharya.

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