DED Honours Public And Private Sector Partners For Support To Excellence And Sustainability

The Department of Economic Development (DED) honoured its partners from the public and private sectors at the ‘Partners Forum,’ organised to highlight DED’s partnerships for growth as well as the role of such partnerships in promoting excellence and sustainable development in Dubai and the UAE.

The second Partners’ Forum, held today at the Ritz Carlton Dubai, was attended by more than 80 public and private sector partner institutions of DED and its agencies. Media representatives were also honoured for their efforts in communicating the vision and efforts of DED and its agencies during 2017.

Emphasising the role of strategic public-private partnerships in enhancing business competitiveness and sustainability, His Excellency Sami Al Qamzi, Director General of DED said such co-operation is also critical to economic diversification and the adoption of best service standards and practices in Dubai. “The Department of Economic Development has adopted this principle from the Dubai Government’s approach to creating platforms for dialogue and exchange of knowledge between partners across sectors.”

Al Qamzi added that Public-private partnerships open new horizons for innovation and excellence, which in turn sustain business.

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