Doctors Without Borders Regional Office In The UAE Marks Fiftieth Anniversary

The team of Doctors Without Borders – Regional Office in the United Arab Emirates – met today with the community of humanitarian workers and supporters of the organization on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the organization.

The meeting took place at the headquarter of the International Humanitarian City (IHC) in the presence of a number of members of non-profit organizations and partners. The ceremony included a welcome speeches from Mario Stephan, General Director of MSF in the regional office in the United Arab Emirates, and Giuseppe Saba, Executive Director of the International Humanitarian City in Dubai.

Some testimonies from the organization’s teams around the world were also presented on this occasion, in addition to a documentary film that reflects the activities of the organization during the past years.

Mario Stephan said: “50 Years of existence for our organization is a moment to pause and reflect, ensuring we remain relevant in serving our patients, today and for the years to come.”

Giuseppe Saba congratulated MSF team on their 50th anniversary, which coincides with UAE’s 50th anniversary and national day celebrations this year. He added: ”MSF have been an important part of the humanitarian community in Dubai for many years, praising their efforts in providing medical assistance and emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare, throughout the years since their inception 50 years ago.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) / Doctors Without Borders was founded in 1971 in Paris by a group of journalists and doctors. Today, MSF is a worldwide movement of nearly 65,000 people. Three hundred volunteers made up the organization when it was founded: doctors, nurses and other staff, including the 13 founding doctors and journalists. MSF was created in the belief that all people should have access to healthcare regardless of gender, race, religion, creed or political affiliation.