Dubai Attracts 212 International Business Events In 2017

The Dubai Business Events of the Dubai Corporation of Tourism and Commerce Marketing in Dubai, has announced that Dubai hosted 212 business events and international conferences in 2017, through which it attracted about 95,000 participants and achieved AED715 million revenues.

Dubai has recorded a rise of 64% in the events and conferences that it hosted in 2017 compared to 129 international business events in 2016, which strengthens UAE’s position as a leading international destination for business events and international conferences.

This success comes in line with Dubai Business Events celebrating its 15th anniversary. Since 2003, it has played a pivotal role in establishing Dubai’s world ranking in hosting business events.

Speaking on the occasion, Issam Kazem, Chief Executive Officer of Dubai Corporation of Tourism and Commerce Marketing in Dubai, said that the significant increase in the number of hosting bids won by Dubai in 2017 reflects the rapid growth of the city as a leading business hub.”


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