Dubai Industrial Park Honors Outstanding Business Partners At Annual Gala Dinner

Dubai Industrial Park (DI), a designated district within Dubai Wholesale City (DWSC), honored 10 of its business partners for their outstanding achievements in 2017 during Dubai Wholesale City’s annual gala dinner.

The exclusive event at Dubai Opera drew the participation of Abdulla Belhoul, Chief Executive Officer of Dubai Wholesale City, Saud Abu Al-Shawareb, Chief Operating Officer of Dubai Industrial Park, as well as the Park’s business partners, senior associates, and other stakeholders. In the course of the evening, Dubai Wholesale City leadership shared its vision for the industrial sector in light of the rapid developments of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

In his welcome speech, Abdulla Belhoul shared with the attendees on the milestones that Dubai Wholesale City marked in 2017, stressing the important role of its two main components – Dubai Industrial Park and Dubai Food Park – in raising the contribution of non-oil sectors to Dubai’s GDP as well as in supporting the UAE’s economic diversification strategy.

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