Dubai Islamic Affairs And Charitable Activities Department Organized A Ramadan Majlis In Hatta Entitled “Year Of Tolerance”

Dubai Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department organized a Ramadan Majlis in Hatta entitled “Year of Tolerance” in the presence of Mr. Ahmed Darwish Al Muhairi, Executive Director of the Charity Work Sector at IACAD, General Coordinator of Ramadan Dubai, and Jasim Al Khazraji Director of Islamic Institutions Department, Chairman of the Content Committee of Ramadan Dubai, Khamis bin Dhaen, Director of the Center for Islamic Affairs in Hatta and a number of people and dignitaries in Hatta city.

At the beginning of the session, Al Muhairi stressed the importance of organizing the Ramadan majlis and reviving this valuable heritage among the youth groups. The Higher Committee organizing the activities of Ramadan Dubai, in cooperation with the development of the community supervising these majlis, encouraged the youth for constructive participation. Ramadan Majlis seeks to encourage young people and students to attend and participate in these majlises in order to benefit from the experiences shared by others, especially by the elderly. Majlises in the past used to be the foundation in each region where the trials were held and consultations take place to make the most important decisions. The youth can also learn the methods of constructive and positive dialogue based on the acceptance of another person’s opinion and respect, and on the ethics of the majlis on respect and appreciation for the good listening.

In his speech, Sheikh Ammar bin Touq al-Marri, Mufti of the Hatta Center, addressed the definition of tolerance and some are from the perspective of the Holy Quran and the Sunna, as well as living examples of tolerance under the provisions of Islamic law.

Bin Touk said: “When we talk about tolerance, we cannot find a word to define it or express it except the word of tolerance. It contains many meanings and can be extended to different and varied fields. I would like to mention here some examples that illustrate the meaning of tolerance from the perspective of Islamic law. When the Muslim commits sin and feels guilt, he resorts to God’s forgiveness by repenting instead of blaming himself, and this is the greatest example of tolerance of the soul, then the provisions of Islamic Sharia and its rules are based on facilitation and mitigation. Referring to some examples, such that one prayer wage is equivalent to fifty prayers, and Iftar permission in the month of Ramadan for the traveller, a patient and many others.

The Majlis also included a number of poems by the poet Ahmad Al-Khalaf Al-Bedwawi, who was named in 2018 by the tribe’s poet. The most prominent of these is a new poetic piece on tolerance, through which a bright image of tolerance and the treatment of great and influential meanings such as overcoming the mistakes of others, charity and generosity to the poor and the needy.