Dubai Sports Council Backs Dubai Fitness Challenge To Highlight City’s World-Class Sports Facilities, Clubs And Events

The Dubai Sports Council has welcomed His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s launch of the Dubai Fitness Challenge (DFC) as their vision to set up a distinguished and happy sporting community in Dubai is in line and overlaps with the month-long fitness event’s aim of making Dubai one of the most active cities in the world.

Tasked with developing and improving sports in Dubai, creating a comprehensive sports environment that meets the city’s requirements, and paving the way for youth to cultivate their sporting and cultural talents and aptitudes in a way that leads them to achieve tangible results, Dubai Sports Council supports the city-wide fitness initiative as a way to effect positive change and highlight Dubai’s year-round sports facilities, clubs and events. It is thanks to the city’s world-class sports infrastructure that residents are assured that the steps they take towards a healthier and happier lifestyle during DFC will be fully supported far beyond the month-long event, enabling them to permanently integrate exercise and activity into their daily routines.

Dubai Fitness Challenge Opening Carnival - Day 2

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