flynas and Al Jazeera Motors Agencies celebrate the winner of a car in

flynas, the national airline of Saudi Arabia, celebrated the winner of a Ford EcoSport, which he received as part of the “Sofra and Car” competition launched by flynas in cooperation with Al Jazeera Motors Agencies, from May 16 to May 25, 2017.
The winner received his award at Al Jazirah Motor Agencies Showroom, on Tuesday, June 13 in Dammam, in the presence of a number of employees of Al Jazeera Motors Agencies and flynas.
flynas confirmed that the winner was randomly selected – after the end of the competition – using an automated system, under the supervision of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Riyadh.
The automated system had chosen a flynas guest, who booked his flynas flight from May 16 to the end of 2017, for the destination of his choice, domestically or internationally.
This award comes within the framework of flynas’ keenness to strengthen its relationship with its traveling guests, as flynas constantly offers offers, competitions and prizes to strengthen the relationship and be the first choice for passengers.