Fourth “Go Green” Environmental Initiative Engages 7,500 Port Industry Employees

For the fourth year in a row, a collaboration of the world’s leading container port operators DP World, Hutchison Ports, PSA International, Port of Rotterdam Authority, and Shanghai International Port Group, has completed a week-long global “Go Green” initiative across their international port and facility networks, yielding positive results in terms of environmental education and conservation.

Under the theme of “Climate Change”, 7,500 employees of the five port operating groups volunteered time to CO2-mitigation, climate change resilience and staff education activities. Also included were coastal and wildlife preservation activities and a host of employee environmental education events.

Across its portfolio of 78 terminals in 40 countries, global trade enabler DP World encouraged its employees and local communities to become “Climate Mates”. During the month-long campaign in September, each of DP World’s business units chose a range of activities, including the increased use of recycled paper, switching to paperless billing and transactions, planting trees and using glass instead of plastic bottles to reduce their negative impact on deforestation and carbon emissions.


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