Gartner Survey Shows Organizations Are Slow to Advance In Data And Analytics

 A worldwide survey* of 196 organizations by Gartner, Inc. showed that 91 percent of organizations have not yet reached a “transformational” level of maturity in data and analytics, despite this area being a number one investment priority for CIOs in recent years.

“Most organizations should be doing better with data and analytics, given the potential benefits,” said Nick Heudecker, research vice president at Gartner. “Organizations at transformational levels of maturity enjoy increased agility, better integration with partners and suppliers, and easier use of advanced predictive and prescriptive forms of analytics. This all translates to competitive advantage and differentiation.”

The global survey asked respondents to rate their organizations according to Gartner’s five levels of maturity for data and analytics (see Figure 1). It found that 60 percent of respondents worldwide rated themselves in the lowest three levels.

Figure 1. Overview of the Maturity Model for Data and Analytics

Source: Gartner (February 2018)

The survey revealed that 48 percent of organizations in Asia Pacific (APAC) reported their data and analytics maturity to be in the top two levels. This compares to 44 percent in North America and just 30 percent in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA).

The majority of respondents worldwide assessed themselves at level three (34 percent) or level four (31 percent). Twenty-one percent of respondents were at level two, and 5 percent at the basic level, level one. Just 9 percent of organizations surveyed reported themselves at the highest level, level five, where the biggest transformational benefits lie.

“Don’t assume that acquiring new technology is essential to reach transformational levels of maturity in data and analytics,” said Mr. Heudecker. “First, focus on improving how people and processes are coordinated inside the organization, and then look at how you enhance your practices with external partners.”

Improving process efficiency was by far the most common business problem that organizations sought to address with data and analytics, with 54 percent of respondents worldwide marking it in their top three problems. Enhancing customer experience and development of new products were the joint second most common uses, with 31 percent of respondents listing each issue.

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