Global Communication Influencers Will Discuss The Power Of Communications

The communications elite worldwide – top managers, communications experts, local market leaders, will gather in Geneva to discuss the power of communication and its influence on the modern world: power that goes hand by hand with the future development of our society in many ways – from technical improvements to advocacy of human rights.


The first day of plenary sessions of the World Communication Association Forum 2018 includes hot discussions about the power and future of communications. Main topics:

– Power of communication and Young Leadership Power.

– Country Branding – Stakeholders, Drivers, Benefits. Power of Country Communications.

– Agenda 2049: AI as a reality. Global Health Promotion. Gaming for social change,

– Media for All: Exploring Audiovisual Accessibility for deaf & blind people from Indian Communication perspective.

– PR is dead – long live… Re-/Impact Branding, Reputation Management, Virtual Reality?

– The Future of Learning – Education in Communication in the 21st Century.

– Power of Ethics in Public Relations: why is it of crucial importance today?

– Social Media Influencers – Who? Why? How? Power in Direct Contact.

– Real-life storytelling by a top communication expert, and so on:

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