‘Innovation Is Key For Better Government Services’: Mohammed Bin Rashid School Of Government Organises Design Thinking Lab

TheMohammed Bin Rashid School of Government, the first research and education institution specialising in public policy in the Arab world, is organisingtwo sessions of theDesign Thinking Labon February 25 and 27 at City Walk Dubai, to mark UAE Innovation Month 2018, which bears the slogan “Innovation Starts with You”.

The interactive lab was attended by several innovative teams from both the government and private sectors. The practice-based workshop aims to provide organisational teams with tried-and-tested tools, plans and techniques, in order to help them think creatively about their product and service offerings, all the while espousing a customer-centred perspective. The workshop will focus on a number of key aspects of design thinking that address the needs and concerns of actual users, propose creative solutions to problems, and experiment withvarious prototypes for visualising possible solutions.




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