Microwave Ovens Vs. Gas Cookers: What’s Best?

Are you considering hitting the market soon to purchase your new cooking appliance? You may be thinking should I buy a microwave oven or a gas cooker. To help you we gathered some important differences between the two. Take these points into consideration before you make the final purchase decision:


It is not hard to tell the difference in size between microwave ovens and gas cookers. So, before you decide to buy one of the two options make sure to check your kitchen’s space first.

Cooking Methods

If you like to cook different types of food that require anything other than heating, then maybe purchasing a traditional microwave oven is not meant for you. Gas cookers will give you the opportunity to bake, grill, toast, heat, and cook all different types of food, especially that they come with both burners and an oven.

But a microwave may be a better option if you like quick meals that don’t require advanced cooking methods. In addition, microwaves target the food directly when heating which will be faster and more energy efficient.

Cooking ware and plates

With microwave ovens, you need to use special plates designed for microwave use. You need to be careful not to put any plastic containers that might produce toxic chemicals if exposed to radiation. And you can’t use any metallic pots as well, since radiation can reflect on those and cause damage. But with gas cookers, you can use different cooking materials including stainless steel and borosilicate glass.

But if you look at it from a different perspective with microwave ovens there will be fewer dishes to wash, as you will the same plate you used for heating to eat as well.


If the price is your only determining criterion, then you should choose a microwave oven. There is a variety of microwave ovens with affordable prices in the market. Keep looking until you find the right one for you. You can also save any additional installment expenses. You can pay for your microwave, take it home, and then plug it in to start using it.

The Number of Your Family Members

Microwave ovens are faster and more cost-efficient, but it will not be a convenient option if you have to cook for a big family. With gas cookers, you can cook in larger quantities and have more meal choices as well.

Less Food is Wasted

Sometimes people tend to forget their food is cooking on the gas cooker. They end up burning the food and throwing it away. But that would never be the case with microwave ovens. Microwaves are easy to use. You put your food in, choose how much heat and cooking time it needs, and once that time is up, you will be warned by the microwave’s alarming sound.

When looking at microwave ovens and gas cookers, there are no wrong and right answers. It is all about your preference and needs. Some people think that a gas cooker is more essential, others prefer having a microwave oven to fit their kitchen’s small space. It is up to you to weigh the pros and cons and choose the right one for you.