Middlesex University Dubai Brings Global Initiative ‘HeForShe’ To The UAE To Encourage Gender Equality

A cohort of students from the Advertising, PR and Media programme at Middlesex University Dubai organised an event on campus, on Thursday, 22 March 2018 at 10am. The campaign aims to raise awareness for gender equality by tying into the HeForShe movement here in the UAE.

HeForShe is a global solidarity campaign originally founded by UN Women, inviting people to stand together to create a boldly visible force for gender equality. Elements that Middlesex University Dubai Campaign has adapted and include a focus on the action of Identity, specifically related to shutting down stereotypes, who you are and how you express yourself. Other key foundations of the campaign tackle prejudice which encroaches on personal freedom and the focus on this as a human rights issue rather than solely a women’s issue.

The ultimate campaign goal is to raise awareness in the UAE on what HeForShe is and what it represents. The success will primarily be measured by getting as many people as possible to sign the Count Me In commitment on the official HeForShe website.

This campaign features a strong interactive social media element in the form of engagement across Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. In the lead up to the event, the social media platforms participated with and raised audience engagement up to the final deadline. This was accomplished using video and photo posts to raise interest.


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