Morocco Strengthens The Positioning Of Local Products In The Middle East Market From 09th To 11th December

Morocco is taking part in the SIAL Middle East 2019 International Food Show that will be held in Abu Dhabi from 09th to 11th December. Organized for the seventh year in a row by the Agricultural Development Agency (ADA), in the framework of the ambitious development strategy for the marketing and promotion of local products, set up in the framework of the Green Morocco Plan, which has given particular importance to this segment and made it one of its privileged objectives.

This year, all regions of the Kingdom will be present at this show through 25 exhibitors producers of local products that represent about 74 agricultural cooperatives grouping more of 2466 members including 422 women. Throughout the 3 days that will last this agribusiness world meeting, Moroccan participants will have the opportunity to highlight a wide range of local products (including 12 labelled products) which have been finely selected and which come from more than 13 different industries, a powerful way of demonstrating the great diversity and the dynamism of Morocco, in front of 16,000 professionals who are looking for business opportunities.

Prior to this event, the exhibitors benefited from the marketing and commercial support needed by the ADA to assist them in order to highlight the potential of their products and prepare their meetings with prospects from the United Arab Emirates and Gulf countries. No less than 250 B to B meetings are scheduled on the margin of this fair with major customers, so as to introduce and further strengthen the presence of local products on the Middle East market, particularly with purchasing groups, retails, fine groceries as well as specialized organic stores. Combining tradition and modernity, the Moroccan pavilion allows visitors to live a unique experience through its colors and flavors and to immerse them in Moroccan hospitality. The pavilion also displays a series of culinary and cultural events, especially cooking shows and tastings of Moroccan dishes offering a real glimpse of the assets and the richness of the gastronomy and the cultural heritage of Morocco.

As a reminder, the SIAL ME International Food Show welcomes this year 1,000 exhibitors representing about 30 countries and more than 16,000 visitors.

Local products featured in the Moroccan pavilion

Located in an area of 318 m², the Moroccan pavilion evokes authenticity and modernity through an architecture inspired by the traditional Moroccan and contemporary culture. In addition to the multiple areas dedicated to exhibitors, the pavilion also includes a reception area to inform and guide visitors, a space for B to B meetings was made available to participants to enable them to meet with potential partners as well as a tasting area and entertainment conceived to be the heart of the central attraction of the Moroccan pavilion, this space will be especially dedicated to the culinary shows performed by a famous Moroccan chef, to make visitors discover the richness of taste and quality of Moroccan dishes using local products.

The Moroccan delegation will consist of 25 exhibitors; cooperatives, Economic Interest Grouping and private companies working in the field of local products.