Prince of Hail honors Almarai for sponsoring the 19th Hail International Rally

HRH Abdulaziz bin Saad bin Abdulaziz, the Prince of Hail, honored Almarai Company for its 19th consecutive golden sponsorship of the Hail International Rally, held from February 7 to 10, 2024.
Almarai’s annual sponsorship of this major international sporting event comes within its corporate social responsibility program, which supports many sporting events out of its belief in the importance of sports in supporting public health and instilling positive values in society.
It is worth noting that Almarai is the largest vertically integrated dairy company in the world and the largest for the production and distribution of food and beverages in the Middle East. It owns many brands, including Almarai, Alyoum, Lusine, and 7Days, in addition to increasing its products in all markets of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.