Region’s Growing Influence As A Luxury Destination Highlighted As Hotels from Four Different Countries Shortlisted For Meha’s Top Prize

The region’s growing influence as a high-end tourist destination has been reaffirmed after the Middle East Hospitality Awards (MEHA) announced hotels from four different countries as their Luxury Hotel of the Year finalists for 2017.

Resorts in Oman, Kuwait, Morocco, and the UAE have been pitted against one another for the annual prize-giving’s most sought after title – the first time in the awards ™ six-year history that all four finalists have come from different nations.

The five-star-rated properties identified as the Middle East’s most luxurious are Al Baleed Resort Salalah by Anantara; Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa Kuwait; Four Seasons Hotel Casablanca; and Palazzo Versace Dubai.

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