Rozmemories Wins The Best Creative Startup Award

Fairouz Daoud was proud to receive the Best Creative Startup Award for Rozmemories this September. She is a creative entrepreneur who launched Rozmemories, a customized jewelry brand during the 2020 lockdown. Covid-19 sparked her creativity and gave her this edge to help people in reliving memories and cherishing love by ordering custom jewelry that may carry hand print, food print, life casting, sound waves and QR codes with messages and memories to sustain eternally.

Fairouz Daoud believes that human feelings and emotions are very important. They are a source of strength. They connect people and are highly valuable. It is this softer side of humans that Rozmemories touches. Daoud said, “People are made of emotion, and many times it is hard for them to tell anyone how they feel for them in words. The best way to express feelings and love is by sharing a jewel with an imprint exclusively for that person, we have an ashes locket that allows a person to lock up sand, perfume or anything that carries a memory, we have necklaces and bracelets that may carry sound waves, pictures, drawings, hand prints or foot prints to lock a memory. These are unique gifts for all”. She strongly believes that these gifts are more personal because they are customized only for the recipient.

Fairouz Daoud inspires and supports budding startups as well. This year, in August, she launched a startup exhibition in Palestine in collaboration with Qareb and NadiThaqafi. The purpose of this exhibition was to support small businesses in Palestine. The mayor of Tulkarm city headed the event and awarded the women entrepreneurs for their innovative ventures. Tulkarm is the home town of Fairouz Daoud and supporting these young entrepreneurs is her way of giving back to her own people. She believes that every young woman should live her dream and make a life out of it.

Rozmemories is growing under the leadership of Fairouz Daoud. She is on a mission of collecting 1 Million Stories of the beautiful people who would like to cherish those memories and lock them up in jewels to make them eternal. Her campaign is going full swing at this time. You may participate in this campaign by visiting Rozmemories and sending them your story.