Strengthen Public-Private Partnerships And Ecoliteracy Of Students To Drive Green Schools In The UAE, Says EmiratesGBC’s ‘State Of Our Schools’ Report

Emirates Green Building Council (EmiratesGBC), an independent forum aimed at conserving the environment by strengthening and promoting green building practices, has called for strengthening eco-literacy among students and promoting public private partnerships for achieving the ‘green’ transformation of UAE’s schools.

The recommendations for transforming UAE’s schools into sustainable environments are highlighted in the ‘State of Our Schools’ whitepaper authored by EmiratesGBC following a roundtable of the Emirates Coalition for Green Schools, a national initiative launched by EmiratesGBC aligned with the Global Coalition for Green Schools.

The UAE’s strongest advocates of green schools took part in the roundtable, held in November 2017, to deliberate about the ‘state of our schools.’ The event was supported by the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy, Taqati and Etihad Energy Services. The participants included representatives of government, tertiary level academics, elementary school teachers, education and sustainability related associations, media and the private sector.

The three key objectives of the roundtable have now been achieved with the White Paper, which defines green schools in the UAE, assesses the current state of the UAE schools, and identifies which stakeholders must be engaged to determine an effective course of action.

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