Strong Leaders Will Offer Our World Hope In This Time Of Uncertainty, Says Deepak Chopra

Renowned public speaker, author and global wellness guru Deepak Chopra highlighted the need for ‘multiple leaders’ in our current time of uncertainty, in a thought-provoking session, titled ‘Hope in Times of Uncertainty’, at the opening day of the sixth World Government Summit (WGS 2018) in Dubai today. The session was moderated by Her Excellency Ohood bint Khalfan Al Roumi, UAE Minister of State for Happiness and Wellbeing.

In the session that saw wide interaction and discussions, the founder of The Chopra Foundation and author of over 25 New York Times bestsellers also delved into the world of technology, explaining that “technology is neutral, but what we do with it depends on the evolution of human species”.

Highlighting the need for leaders in our current era, Chopra said: “Distinctive leaders are amazing listeners for the collective audience for a specific moment in history. We are at that moment, except we don’t need one leader – we need multiple leaders.”

“We now live in challenging times and we have portable technologies that can threaten our food chain. At the same time, we are at a stage where we can achieve our human wellbeing by using positive techniques. The adoption of technology must be for the greater good, which is the key to humanity’s hopes.” Chopra said.

Returning to the theme of leaders and how they can affect change in the rest of our world, he said: “Self-awareness is the greatest gift.  We need leaderships that collectively harness intelligence that can create a heaven on planet Earth. This consciousness and evolution is the key. The highest form of intelligence is self-awareness, followed by feelings which humans consider.”

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