The Best Practices Forum 2018 Calls For Instilling Quality And Excellence In The Private Sector

The Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) organized the Best Practices Forum 2018, which is part of Sharjah Economic Excellence Network Award, on Monday at the SCCI headquarters. During the forum, the Sharjah Economic Excellence Network Award stressed that it will continue to strengthen its partnership with various economic sectors in the aim of spreading a culture of excellence and adopting the best practices in private sector institutions at the local and GCC level.

The forum was attended by HE Khalid Jasim Al Midfa, Chairman of the Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority and Member of the Board of Trustees for the Award; Mohammed Ahmed AminAssistant Director- General for Communication and Business sector at the SCCI; Nada Al HajriGeneral Coordinator of the Award; and a number of officials from both the public and private sectors in the emirate and the country. The forum was also attended by Isra’a Mobideen, Manager of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) office in the Middle East; and a number of consuls from various friendly countries.

The forum, which is considered one of the annual events that the SCCI organizes as part of the Sharjah Economic Excellence Network Award, witnessed the announcement that the registration for the 2018 edition of the Award has begun.

HE Khalid Jasim Al Midfa, Chairman of the Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority and Member of the Board of Trustees for the Award, stressed the importance of continuously developing the Award and expanding its partnership and cooperation with regional and international institutions that are specialized in quality management, such as the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), whose standards represent the highest adopted international models in the fields of excellence and quality.

Al Midfa stated that both the Sharjah Economic Excellence Network Award and the Best Practices Forum would not have continued without the effective partnership with the various economic sectors of the emirate. He added that during the 28 years since its inception, the Sharjah Economic Excellence Network Award has significantly contributed to spreading a culture of excellence and quality in the emirate’s business community and has succeeded in expanding its influence at both the local and GCC levels. He stressed that the Award categories cover many different aspects of excellence for economic institutions and that they play an important role in raising the quality of work among these institutions, in addition to encouraging them to upgrade their services, improve the quality and efficiency of their products, enhance their position in the market and expand their businesses to neighbouring markets.The Board of Trustees of the Award consider the Award to be an annual opportunity to discuss the best practices in quality management and its positive effects on the activities of economic institutions that help promote the economic development that is being witnessed by both Sharjah and the UAE.

Isra’a Mobideen, Manager of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) office in the Middle East, reviewed the European model for Quality Management and its applied scientific mechanisms. She also reviewed the impact that is witnessed by the private sector when applying this model, and its importance in motivating employees and improving their productivity and performance. She then explained the stages of building excellence and innovation and its impact on achieving institutional sustainability.

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