“Top CEO Conference And Awards” Returns To Saudi Arabia For The Second Time

The “Top CEO Conference and Awards” will return to Saudi Arabia for the second time on10th and 11th April 2018 at King Abdullah Economic City, where business leaders and more than 40 expert speakers from across the Arab Gulf and the Middle East will gather to discuss the burning issues facing the corporate world today, while also recognising the very best in business leadership.

Julien Hawari, Co-CEO of Mediaquest — the company behind the “Top CEO Conference and Awards” — commented: “The Arab Gulf and theMiddle East have entered a new phase. Youth and women are being empowered, start-ups are making their mark and new political relations are being formed, yet challenges lie ahead. In this context, the ‘Top CEO Conference and Awards’ will ask participants to consider how business leaders and governments can transform old bureaucratic administration and implement new strategies to prepare them for the future. The event aims to frame global issues — specifically disruptive leadership, innovative corporate strategies and changing dynamics of the business ecosystem — in a regional context to help executives and leaders navigate challenges, embrace a new reality and take their organisations forward in the right direction.”

The first day of the conference will kick off with the newly launched “Arab Women Forum.”The new forum aims to enhance and support the growing contribution of Arab women to the region’s economy and society and will serve as an elite gathering of top female executives, decision-makers, professionals and experts on women empowerment and business leadership.

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