Turkish Tourism Launches “The Year Of Troia” At The Arabian Travel Market 2018 In Dubai

The Turkish Cultural and Tourism Office in Dubai launched “The Year of Troia (Troy)” campaign at the Arabian Travel Market (ATM) as part of the impressive Tourism Plan of Turkey – 2023 to expand tourism traffic into the country with a focus on particular areas, such as the country’s northwestern region surrounding Canakkale province.

“The importance of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in contributing to Turkey’s growing tourism industry is reflected by the fact that we have over fifty partners from Turkey participating in our pavilion at ATM this year,” said Salih Ozer, Attaché of Culture and Information, Turkey to the UAE.

In early January, the Turkish government declared 2018 the “Year of Troy” in honor of the 20th anniversary of the ancient city’s recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.It is the historic setting of the Trojan War, described in detail in Homer’s epic poems as “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey.”

To mark the occasion, a variety of events are planned throughout the year. The new Troia Museum in western Canakkale Province is expected to draw one million tourists in its inaugural year. The 10,000 square meter museum will showcase archeological findings of the ancient city, including 24 gold pieces known as the treasures of Helen of Troy, which were returned to Turkey from the U.S. after 125 years.

Hollywood actors starring in “Troy,” the 2004 blockbuster such as Brad Pitt, Diane Kruger, Eric Bana and Orlando Bloom, have been invited to visit the museum by Turkey’s Tourism and Culture Ministry.

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