UAE & KSA Residents Plan Their Eid Gift Shopping A Week Or Lesser Before The Festival

Latest data from YouGov reveals half of the residents in UAE and KSA plan to spend on gifting or shopping (51%) this festive season.

Just as many (52%) said they will spend on holiday with family and donations (51%) this Ramadan/ Eid.

When asked about their timeline for buying gifts, consumers are more likely to make purchases close to the festival than way in advance. Around seven in ten residents in both the countries plan their shopping about a week or lesser in advance, with the largest proportion (31%) shopping a week in advance.

UAE residents tend to be more short-term planners, with a third saying they plan their shopping 2-3 days in advance. 

Compared to this, long term planners are lesser in both the countries. 18% planning their shopping 2-3 weeks before the festival and one in ten plan a month or more in advance (10%).

When it comes to the gift they plan to buy this year around Ramadan or Eid, a majority of residents in both the countries said they intend to give cash (54%), followed by clothes or footwear (51%).

More than a third plan to give spiritual wellness gifts (36%), fashion accessories (35%) and donations (34%).

It is interesting to note that 35% KSA residents intend to give confectionery items as a gift on Ramadan or Eid, although only 21% UAE residents intend to give this gift. 

Video games and consoles is also a more popular gift choice among KSA than UAE residents (22% vs 16%)

Cash is a popular choice to receive as a gift as well, with half of the respondents in both the countries said they would like to receive cash as a gift (50%). KSA residents were more likely to say this than those in UAE (54% vs 46%).

After cash, clothes or footwear is a popular choice of gift to receive on Ramadan or Eid (39%), followed by spiritual wellness gifts (27%) and vouchers or gift cards (26%).

When it comes to gathering gifting ideas, social media is the main source (61%), followed by in-store browsing (58%) and brand websites (46%).

A quarter rely on TV advertising for ideas, but it is notably more relevant to KSA residents than people in UAE (28% vs 23%).