WGS 2018: Can We Create a Pandemic-Free World?

“Strategic investments in health systems globally, along with improved preparedness, surveillance and response capabilities can all help us in our mission towards a pandemic-free world,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), at a talk titled ‘Can We Create a Pandemic Free World?’ on the second day of the World Government Summit 2018 (WGS 2018) today.

Speaking on the importance of implementing international health regulations and sustaining a strong alert and response system to rapidly detect and respond to outbreaks, Dr. Tedros said: “The ‘Spanish Flu’ epidemic remains the deadliest outbreak in history but its lessons are just as relevant now as they were then”.

He added: “The Ebola outbreak exposed fault lines in global security. Not only did it have a devastating impact on select countries, it also had a devastating economic impact. IMF reduced growth projections for affected countries and Ebola showed us how a fragile system in one country can expose the world to danger.”

Dr. Tedros also emphasized the importance of universal health coverage and security. He pointed out that 3.5 billion people lack access to essential services, with 100 million people pushed into extreme poverty due to the cost of paying for care out of their own pockets.

“Evidence and experience show that health coverage is within reach. When people are healthy, entire communities and economies thrive. When communities are free from pollution and harmful diseases, they prosper,” he stated.

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