WGS 2018: Experts Examine Transformative Landscape Of Artificial Intelligence

Experts in artificial intelligence (AI) Kevin Kelly, Senior Maverick at Wired magazine, Roman Yampolskiy, AI safety and cybersecurity expert, and Professor Stuart Russell, celebrated computer scientist echoed that artificial intelligence should be top of the mind for societies if they are to be ready for the future. Speaking on day two of the sixth World Government Summit (WGS 2018) in Dubai, the experts also examined the transformative landscape of AI, including its opportunities and limitations.

During his session entitled ‘A.I. 101’, Kevin Kelly stated that artificial intelligence is here to stay, and that governments across the world can play a huge role in its development. He expressed his belief that machine learning will make humans increasingly productive, enabling them to complete the same amount of work in less time.

Speaking on the inevitability of what is potentially the next industrial revolution, Kelly said: “This is the best time ever to be inventing things, especially since there is relatively no competition. The advantage we have here is that AI does not think like humans – we are developing new mindsets and thinking through AI. Do something now. You are not late.”

He also elaborated on trends that are set to forever change the way we do business, including experiences such as Immersion and Presence Virtual Reality (VR). Furthermore, he delved into how people and societies can benefit from artificial intelligence even though it has the capacity to disrupt our jobs as we know them. Kelly outlined that governments should be slow to regulate AI and embrace the new jobs that come with it.

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