WGS 2018 Explores Meaning Of Citizenship, Government, Country

 In an increasingly borderless world, what does it mean to be a citizen, a government and a country? questioned Paul Bennett, Chief Creative Officer at global design firm IDEO, on day three of the sixth World Government Summit (WGS 2018) in Dubai.

Following through on his resolution to ‘speak from the heart’, Bennett, a content expert responsible for developing and publishing new thinking in the field of human-centered and design-led innovation, delivered an impassioned speech on the contemporary world.

In his session titled, “Redesigning Governments”, he noted that it is not the biggest ideas that have the most impact, but the small, the personal and the intimate. He also emphasized that government and design are natural collaborators and that governments must work with citizens to unlock the creative aspirations of the young and old.

Bennett said: “We all want to be seen, unlocked and find our most creative self. Government is a toolkit to help you craft a life of purpose, and it is up to the citizen to bring it together.”

The session also examined the meaning of being human in an AI society and collaboration between governments and citizens in designing post-work futures that blend the potential of artificial intelligence with the innate creative skills and emotional depth of humans.

As an example, Bennett referenced a recent initiative by the UAE Government and IDEO – Palmwood, a creative organization that seeks to improve lives of people in the UAE and beyond through using design thinking to create new solutions at the intersection of four opportunity areas: creative economy, government, learning and community.

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