WGS 2018: Innovation To Propel Dubai Into The Next Century

The UAE has launched a major roadmap for city planning that focuses on creating a sustainable and happy society, directed by His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, said His Excellency Eng Hussain Nasser Lootah, Director General of Dubai Municipality, on day two of the sixth World Government Summit (WGS 2018) in Dubai.

In his session entitled ‘Building the Future of Creative Cities’, His Excellency Eng Lootah announced the intention of Dubai Municipality to launch a data collection satellite which will monitor the UAE from space, and will identify various environmental factors, from marine conditions to air quality.

He said:  “For a city to thrive in the future, the government has to look at current challenges facing its vital sectors and consider how the application of cutting-edge technologies can become an alternative solution. Dubai has focused intently on innovations in the fields of artificial intelligence, data analysis and enhanced connectivity that will be the cornerstones for decision-making. These technologies will help support the government in developing the infrastructure that can withstand the challenges of the next century. We must never forget that attaining excellence requires continuous work and effort.”

He added: “One such challenge for the UAE is the increased salinity in sea water. Dubai Municipality has taken on this challenge by working on alternative means of sourcing potable water, and leveraging new filtration processes. We have also started building power plants that harness energy from waste through sustainable means, which are also an innovative method of waste management.”

Under the direction of His Excellency Eng Lootah, Dubai Municipality has evolved into a center of excellence and innovation through integrating advanced information and communication technology into the city’s infrastructure and operations. The institution is spearheading Dubai’s transformation into one of the smartest cities in the world.

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