Women at EXPEC Advanced Research Center Network

As an element in promoting diversity and inclusion, the Exploration and Petroleum Engineering Center (EXPEC) Advanced Research Center (ARC) established the Women at EXPEC ARC Network (WEN) in 2017 to focus on the development of women within the department. WEN complements women empowerment by enabling them to push past boundaries and excel in their careers as engineers, scientists, researchers, and administrators.
In collaboration with the Women Development and Diversity Division (WD&DD), activities were developed and tailored to EXPEC ARC’s unique fabric and aligned with the WD&DD corporate program, resulting in a more adaptive and inclusive atmosphere at EXPEC ARC.
Inspiration to the next generation
WEN members are also keen on transferring their knowledge of technology innovation in the oil and gas industry and their career experiences to high school students to raise awareness and share with them information about petroleum engineering and geoscience disciplines.
EXPEC ARC’s young female professionals have also been participating in department level activities — especially those that involve higher management presence to sharpen their strategic thinking skills. Women are assuming different roles in the governing bodies meetings of EXPEC ARC, including the Technology Council, the Steering Committee, and the International Advisory Council.